1. Apprentice SystemsEvery great student has a great master….
Why this isn’t a mandatory addition to any mmo I have no idea. How many times as a casual player do you log in, have a great questing day with a new friend and find them again and their 5 levels above you? A good apprentice system will allow for friends of different levels to group up and enjoy the game together. Going down in level should have more “perks” than having the lower level boost up to the higher content. I don’t necessarily think that the xp gain should match the level of your current level, but is shouldn’t be too shabby. Also perhaps you can get a temporary buff to damage/healing when you return to your normal level.
2. Friendstones
Every player should get one of these, you should be able to bind to a friend to reach them during the day. Perhaps a 2 hour recharge. I cant count the number of times I’ve logged into a game, had a friend online and was discouraged from grouping with them because it would take me 10 mins just to get to where they are. 10 mins doesn’t seem like a lot butt if you’ve only got time for a few quests it can be a deal breaker. I would make it so one stone could bind up to 3 friends. The Recharge timer would apply for each use. It would be a useful tool for those nights when you just want to catch up to your friends and do a few quests before you take off for the night.
3. Find a friend Tags
With all the social networking sites available online today. It seems like it would be very easy to add a similar type of functionality to the mmo genre. I would base it on a few questions that you could answer under a “profile” section for your avatar. All the info would be optional. Items such as age, time zone, type of player, time of day playing, play style. You can use a system where you define your likes and dislikes, as well as what you are searching for.
For example, if I wanted to look for players over 30, eastern time, casual play style, playtimes of 10-11 on weekdays mostly. I could actively or passively search.
I would like to have it set as passive by default, then if you group with someone who fits your category likes, you would get a message or perhaps a smiley face appears over them, some visual indicator that lets you know they would be a good candidate for a friend. I think it would make it easier for casuals to find and keep friends when you have a general idea of their gaming schedule.
4. Auto Quest group toggle
One thing that always irks me about mmo’s is when I’ve been searching for that mobile named mob to complete my quest and someone runs up and kills them right in front of me! And then looks at me and says “oops”. Right now a lot of mmo’s let you search for a group depending on what quest you are doing. I would just alter this slightly. You would basically select the quest you are on, start working on your and if your in visual range of a player who has also selected their quest you will auto join their group. Hopefully it would stop all the questions about are you looking for so and so mob? Or trying to jump in before someone kills the named? If they want to share they will have their quest toggled. I have to think about this one some more, and how it can be implemented passively. Perhaps if you and another player are in range of a quest objective….
5. Raid CheckpointsLast but not least the Raids! More often than not the primary complaint most casuals have are the length of raids. I do think that this is an issue that can be easily solved and be satisfactory to the hardcore and the casual. First all Raids should be broken down into 45 mins to an hour chunks. But, I would also implement a “heroic mode” for lack of a better term, where you could run the whole 5-6 hour dungeon at once. The benefit of the heroic mode would be guaranteed or more item drops for certain bosses. Those who attempt the raid in chunks would still have access to the same items, however the drop chance would be random. That way time invested is rewarded with Guaranteed loot. I would even go so far as to have the raid instances for PUG’s scheduled. You could set it up as an interface, or mandate from the king that he needs your special skills to destroy capture blah blah blah and bring it back. Raid chunks would be scheduled every hour or 30 minutes and you could see the classes who have scheduled for a certain time/instance run. Similar to entering a wow battleground you would receive a message that the kings wizards wishes to summon you, you would accept and appear in the instance. I think developers would get a lot more use out of their raid instances if they implemented something like this.
These were just some thoughts I had about some simple measures that developers have the tech for that would make things a lot more user friendly for both hardcore and casuals alike, I’d like to hear other’s thoughts on it.
Thanks to Keen over at
http://www.keenandgraev.com/?p=1000 for stimulating my mind :-)