Tuesday, April 29, 2008

AOC Sieges to be accessible to casual guilds

The official Age of Conan website has an article up with details on PvP sieges.

Most of the article details the mechanics of how pvp sieges will be
scheduled and who will have the first taste of leading guild combat against
an enemy keep.

When guilds compete for the right to attack a battlekeep the deciding factor is determined by the amount of "Guild PvP points" each guild has. These are accumulated by kills in pvp and gaining pvp levels.

The discussion of pvp rank determining who gets to attack keeps has been a hot topic.

Funcom however has implemented a system where when the attacking guild as set to lead the

siege there guild points are reset to zero.

I think this news is very important since, this should allow the more casual guilds to eventually accumulate enough points to be able to attack one of the eight keeps.

This definately seems a step in the right direction to further blur the line between hardcore and casual

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